Astron. Astrophys. 428
December(III) 2004

Enhanced mass transfer during dwarf nova outbursts by irradiation of the secondary?
Osaki Y. ; Meyer F.
Flare-induced fountains and buried flares in AGN.
Czerny B. ; Goosmann R.
Magnetic field generation in relativistic shocks. An early end of the exponential Weibel instability in electron-proton plasmas.
Wiersma J.; Achterberg A.
Stellar populations in Active Galactic Nuclei. III.
Boisson C. ; Joly M. ; Pelat D. ; Ward M.J.
2004A&A...428..383D – (Tables: J/A+A/428/383)
Exploring the X-ray sky with the XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey.
Della Ceca R. ; Maccacaro T. ; Caccianiga A. ; Severgnini P. ; Braito V. ; Barcons X. ; Carrera F.J. ; Watson M.G. ; Tedds J.A. ; Brunner H. ; Lehmann I. ; Page M.J. ; Lamer G. ; Schwope A.
The nuclear radio-optical properties of intermediate-redshift. FR II radio galaxies and quasars.
Varano S. ; Chiaberge M. ; Macchetto F.D. ; Capetti A.
Mid-IR emission of galaxies in the Virgo cluster and in the Coma supercluster. IV. The nature of the dust heating sources.
Boselli A. ; Lequeux J. ; Gavazzi G.
The tidally disturbed luminous compact blue galaxy Mkn 1087 and its surroundings.
Lopez-Sanchez A.R. ; Esteban C. ; Rodriguez M.
Mm-wave HCO+, HCN and CO absorption toward NGC 1052.
Liszt H. ; Lucas R.
Disk or halo white dwarfs? Kinematic analysis of high proper motion surveys.
Spagna A.; Carollo D.; Lattanzi M.G.; Bucciarelli B.
Intermediate-age globular clusters in early-type galaxies: Better age determinations by adding U-band observations to the V, I, K datasets.
Hempel M.; Kissler-Patig M.
The global mass function of M15.
Pasquali A. ; De Marchi G. ; Pulone L. ; Brigas M.S.
The polarization of mm methanol masers.
Wiesemeyer H. ; Thum C. ; Walmsley C.M.
Astrophysical lasers operating in optical Fe II lines in stellar ejecta of η Carinae.
Johansson S. ; Letokhov V.S.
The gas temperature in flaring disks around pre-main sequence stars.
Jonkheid B. ; Faas F.G.A. ; van Zadelhoff G.-J. ; van Dishoeck E.F.
Near-infrared polarimetric and spectrometric study of the massive star-forming region S87.
Chen X. ; Yao Y. ; Yang J. ; Jiang Z. ; Ishii M.
An optical absorption study of the Helix planetary nebula NaI and CaII lines, and a search for diffuse bands.
Mauron N. ; Kendall T.R.
The influence of rotation in radiation driven winds from hot stars. II. CAK topological analysis.
Cure M. ; Rial D.F.
2004A&A...428..555S – (Tables: J/A+A/428/555)
The late-time light curve of the type Ia supernova 2000cx.
Sollerman J. ; Lindahl J. ; Kozma C. ; Challis P. ; Filippenko A.V. ; Fransson C. ; Garnavich P.M. ; Leibundgut B. ; Li W. ; Lundqvist P. ; Milne P. ; Spyromilio J. ; Kirshner R.P.
X-ray emitting class I protostars in the Serpens dark cloud.
Preibisch T.
A low upper-limit on the lithium isotope ratio in HD 140283.
Aoki W. ; Inoue S. ; Kawanomoto S. ; Ryan S.G. ; Smith I.M. ; Suzuki T.K. ; Takada-Hidai M.
2004A&A...428..587K – (Tables: J/A+A/428/587)
Cepheid distances from infrared long-baseline interferometry. III. Calibration of the surface brightness-color relations.
Kervella P. ; Bersier D. ; Mourard D. ; Nardetto N. ; Fouque P. ; Coude du Foresto V.
Elementary heating events - magnetic interactions between two flux sources. II. Rates of flux reconnection.
Parnell C.E. ; Galsgaard K.
Solar magnetic elements at 0.1" resolution. General appearance and magnetic structure.
Berger T.E. ; Rouppe van der Voort L.H.M. ; Loefdahl M.G. ; Carlsson M. ; Fossum A. ; Hansteen V.H. ; Marthinussen E. ; Title A. ; Scharmer G.
Coronal plasma flows and magnetic fields in solar active regions. Combined observations from SOHO and NSO/Kitt Peak.
Marsch E. ; Wiegelmann T. ; Xia L.D.
The morphology of cometary X-ray emission.
Wegmann R. ; Dennerl K. ; Lisse C.M.
Using polarimetry to detect and characterize Jupiter-like extrasolar planets.
Stam D.M. ; Hovenier J.W. ; Waters L.B.F.M.
Stellar perturbations on the scattered disk.
Rickman H. ; Froeschle Ch. ; Froeschle Cl. ; Valsecchi G.B.
Atmospheric trajectories and light curves of shower meteors.
Koten P. ; Borovicka J. ; Spurny P. ; Betlem H. ; Evans S.
Precession, nutation, and space geodetic determination of the Earth's variable gravity field.
Bourda G.; Capitaine N.
Assessment of a high-resolution central scheme for the solution of the relativistic hydrodynamics equations.
Lucas-Serrano A.; Font J.A.; Ibanez J.M.; Marti J.M.
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