Astron. Astrophys. 347
July(I) 1999

Large atomic oxygen abundance towards the molecular cloud L1689N.
Caux E., Ceccarelli C., Castets A., Vastel C., Liseau R., Molinari S., Nisini B., Saraceno P., White G.J.
CO(4-3) and CO(3-2) studies of M 51 and NGC 6946.
Nieten C., Dumke M., Beck R., Wielebinski R.
The EUV spectrum of the unique bare stellar core H 1504+65.
Werner K., Wolff B.
The reheating and reionization history of the universe.
Valageas P., Silk J.
Lensed galaxies in Abell 370. I. Modeling the number counts and redshift distribution of background sources.
Bezecourt J., Kneib J.P., Soucail G., Ebbels T.M.D.
Helical jets in blazars. I. The case of Mkn 501.
Villata M., Raiteri C.M.
13CO(1-0) and 12CO(2-1) in the center of the barred galaxy NGC 1530.
Reynaud D., Downes D.
1999A&A...347...47B – (Tables: J/A+A/347/47)
Identification of soft high galactic latitude RASS X-ray sources. II. Sources with PSPC count rate CR <0.5cts/s.
Beuermann K., Thomas H.-C., Reinsch K., Schwope A.D., Truemper J., Voges W.
Nuclear activity and stellar population of a sample of interacting galaxies.
Pastoriza M.G., Donzelli C.J., Bonatto C.
X-ray luminous radio-quiet high redshift QSOs in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey.
Wu X.-B., Bade N., Beckmann V.
1999A&A...347...69R – (Tables: J/A+A/347/69)
Early-type stars in the Galactic halo from the Palomar-Green Survey. II: A sample of distant, apparently young Population I stars.
Rolleston W.R.J., Hambly N.C., Keenan F.P., Dufton P.L., Saffer R.A.
Sagittarius, a dwarf spheroidal galaxy without dark matter?
Gomez-Flechoso M.A., Fux R., Martinet L.
SCUBA sub-millimeter observations of gamma-ray bursters. I. GRB 970508, 971214, 980326, 980329, 980519, 980703, 981220, 981226.
Smith I.A., Tilanus R.P.J., van Paradijs J., Galama T.J., Groot P.J., Vreeswijk P., Kouveliotou C., Wijers R.A.M.J., Tanvir N.
Kinematics of the local Universe. X. H0 from the inverse B-band Tully-Fisher relation using diameter and magnitude limited samples.
Ekholm T., Teerikorpi P., Theureau G., Hanski M., Paturel G., Bottinelli L., Gouguenheim L.
Infrared line ratios revealing starburst conditions in galaxies.
Viegas S.M., Contini M., Contini T.
On the possibility of detecting the νe burst from the collapse of a neutron star into a black hole.
Fulgione W., Navarra G.
Fitting formulae for cross sections of tidal capture binary formation.
Kim S.S., Lee H.M.
Revised mass determination of the super massive Wolf-Rayet star WR 22.
Schweickhardt J., Schmutz W., Stahl O., Szeifert T., Wolf B.
Observations of recently recognized candidate Herbig Ae/Be stars.
Miroshnichenko A.S., Gray R.O., Vieira S.L.A., Kuratov K.S., Bergner Yu.K.
Spectral observations of AG Draconis during quiescence and outburst (1993-1995).
Tomova M.T., Tomov N.A.
1999A&A...347..164W – (Tables: J/A+A/347/164)
The Ap spectroscopic binary HD 59435 revisited.
Wade G.A., Mathys G., North P.
Classification and spectral analysis of faint central stars of highly excited planetary nebulae.
Rauch T., Koeppen J., Napiwotzki R., Werner K.
TT Arietis: the low state revisited.
Gaensicke B.T., Sion E.M., Beuermann K., Fabian D., Cheng F.H., Krautter J.
Stellar evolution with rotation. IV: von Zeipel's theorem and anisotropic losses of mass and angular momentum.
Maeder A.
The circumstellar molecular envelope of HD 101584.
Olofsson H., Nyman L.A.
YY Draconis and V709 Cassiopeiae: two intermediate polars with weak magnetic fields.
Norton A.J., Beardmore A.P., Allan A., Hellier C.
Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure. X. The FK Comae-type star HD 199178 = V 1794 Cygni.
Strassmeier K.G., Lupinek S., Dempsey R.C., Rice J.B.
Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure. XI. The super starspots on the K0 giant HD 12545: larger than the entire Sun.
Strassmeier K.G.
On the relation between diffuse interstellar bands and simple molecular species.
Krelowski J., Ehrenfreund P., Foing B.H., Snow T.P., Weselak T., Tuairisg S.O., Galazutdinov G.A., Musaev F.A.
Acoustic wave energy fluxes for late-type stars. II. Nonsolar metallicities.
Ulmschneider P., Theurer J., Musielak Z.E., Kurucz R.
Activity cycle and surface differential rotation of the single Pleiades star HD 82443 (DX Leo).
Messina S., Guinan E.F., Lanza A.F., Ambruster C.
86 and 140 GHz radiocontinuum maps of the Cassiopeia A SNR.
Liszt H., Lucas R.
Herbig-Haro jet in the Haro 6-10 system.
Movsessian T.A., Magakian T.Yu.
On an overshooting approach to the solar Li problem.
Schlattl H., Weiss A.
The quiet Sun extreme ultraviolet spectrum observed in normal incidence by the SOHO coronal diagnostic spectrometer.
Brooks D.H., Fischbacher G.A., Fludra A., Harrison R.A., Innes D.E., Landi E., Landini M., Lang J., Lanzafame A.C., Loch S.D., McWhirter R.W.P., Summers H.P., Thompson W.T.
Low frequency plasma turbulence and high energy particles at CIR-related shock waves.
Classen H.-T., Mann G., Forsyth R.J., Keppler E.
Oscillations in a magnetic solar model. I. Parallel propagation in a chromospheric and coronal magnetic field with constant Alfven speed.
Pinter B., Goossens M.
Exploring the dynamical nature of the lower solar chromosphere.
Doyle J.G., van den Oord G.H.J., O'Shea E., Banerjee D.
1999A&A...347..348G – (Tables: J/A+A/347/348)
The solar abundance of iron and the photospheric model.
Grevesse N., Sauval A.J.
A wavelet analysis of active region oscillations.
Ireland J., Walsh R.W., Harrison R.A., Priest E.R.
Comet Hale-Bopp as a free-rotation rigid body.
Molina A., Moreno F.
On ``box'' models of shock acceleration and electron synchrotron spectra.
Drury L.O'C., Duffy P., Eichler D., Mastichiadis A.
High resolution emission spectroscopy of the A 1Π - X 1Σ+ fourth positive band system of CO excited by electron impact.
Beegle L.W., Ajello J.M., James G.K., Dziczek D., Alvarez M.
Computation of diffusive shock acceleration using stochastic differential equations.
Marcowith A., Kirk J.G.
Radiative losses of optically thin coronal plasmas.
Landi E., Landini M.
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