Astron. Astrophys. 326
October(II) 1997

Force equation of the large-scale structure of the Universe.
Lopez-Corredoira M.
Cepheids as tracers of star formation in M 31. II. NGC 206: evidence for spiral arm interactions.
Magnier E.A., Prins S., Augusteijn T., van Paradijs J., Lewin W.H.G.
Star formation in bar environments. I. Morphology, star formation rates and general properties.
Martin P., Friedli D.
Observational signatures of helical galactic magnetic fields.
Urbanik M., Elstner D., Beck R.
The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey. II. The luminosity function and mean galaxy density.
Zucca E., Zamorani G., Vettolani G., Cappi A., Merighi R., Mignoli M., Stirpe G.M., MacGillivray H., Collins C., Balkowski C., Cayatte V., Maurogordato S., Proust D., Chincarini G., Guzzo L., Maccagni D., Scaramella R., Blanchard A., Ramella M.
Two X-ray clusters close to line of sight of the luminous QSO HS 1700+6416.
Reimers D., Toussaint F., Hagen H.-J., Hippelein H., Meisenheimer K.
Dynamical spectra of barred galaxies.
Patsis P.A., Efthymiopoulos C., Contopoulos G., Voglis N.
Gas kinematics of the z=3.8 radiogalaxy 4C 41.17 with TIGER/CFHT.
Adam G., Rocca-Volmerange B., Gerard S., Ferruit P., Bacon R.
Spectroscopy of ultra-steep spectrum radio sources: a sample of z>2 radio galaxies.
Roettgering H.J.A., van Ojik R., Miley G.K., Chambers K.C., van Breugel W.J.M., de Koff S.
Blue stars in the center of the S0 galaxy NGC 5102.
Deharveng J.-M., Jedrzejewski R., Crane P., Disney M.J., Rocca-Volmerange B.
Gas segregation in the interacting system Arp 105.
Duc P.-A., Brinks E., Wink J.E., Mirabel I.F.
Vertical equilibrium of molecular gas in galaxies.
Combes F., Becquaert J-F.
A surprising correlation between X-ray and Hα morphologies in early-type galaxies.
Trinchieri G., Noris L., di Serego Alighieri S.
The radio galaxy 1138-262 at z=2.2: a giant elliptical galaxy at the center of a proto-cluster?
Pentericci L., Roettgering H.J.A., Miley G.K., Carilli C.L., McCarthy P.
Stellar populations and inhomogeneities of the galactic plane from DENIS star counts.
Ruphy S., Epchtein N., Cohen M., Copet E., de Batz B., Borsenberger J., Fouque P., Kimeswenger S., Lacombe F., Le Bertre T., Rouan D., Tiphene D.
Soft X-ray emission from intermediate-age open clusters: NGC 6940.
Belloni T., Tagliaferri G.
1997A&A...326..614O – (Tables: J/A+A/326/614)
V, I photometry of the metal-rich bulge globular cluster Terzan 2.
Ortolani S., Bica E., Barbuy B.
Multiwavelength studies of β Cephei stars: δ Ceti.
Cugier H., Nowak D.
The Status of Nova Orionis 1667.
Ringwald F.A., Naylor T.
New multiple young stellar objects discovered by near-infrared speckle imaging.
Ageorges N., Eckart A., Monin J.-L., Menard F.
Cyclicities in the light variations of LBVs. I. The multi-periodic behaviour of the LBV candidate ζ1 Sco.
Sterken C., de Groot M., van Genderen A.M.
On the widespread Weak-Line T-Tauri population detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey.
Favata F., Micela G., Sciortino S.
On the nature of the Am phenomenon or on a stabilization and the tidal mixing in binaries. II. Metallicity and pseudo-synchronization.
Budaj J.
RX J0720.4-3125: strong evidence for an isolated pulsating neutron star.
Haberl F., Motch C., Buckley D.A.H., Zickgraf F.-J., Pietsch W.
The nature of strange modes in classical variable stars.
Buchler J.R., Yecko P.A., Kollath Z.
The X-ray luminosity of rotation-powered neutron stars.
Becker W., Truemper J.
Complex light variations of the ``hybrid'' PG 1159 star HS 2324+3944.
Handler G., Kanaan A., Montgomery M.H.
Period changes of AR Lacertae between 1900 and 1989.
Jetsu L., Pagano I., Moss D., Rodono M., Lanza A.F., Tuominen I.
Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XXI. V906 Scorpii: a triple system member of M 7.
Alencar S.H.P., Vaz L.P.R., Helt B.E.
1997A&A...326..722M – (Tables: J/A+A/326/722)
Barium stars, galactic populations and evolution.
Mennessier M.O., Luri X., Figueras F., Gomez A.E., Grenier S., Torra J., North P.
Common envelope evolution and Li in V471 Tauri.
Martin E.L., Pavlenko Y., Rebolo R.
Accuracy of effective temperatures of solar chemical composition stars derived from the flux fitting method.
Malagnini M.L., Morossi C.
HeI D3 absorption and its relation to rotation and activity in G and K dwarfs.
Saar S.H., Huovelin J., Osten R.A., Shcherbakov A.G.
1997A&A...326..751N – (Tables: J/A+A/326/751)
Chemical composition of halo and disk stars with overlapping metallicities.
Nissen P.E., Schuster W.J.
Metallicities of 4 blue supergiants near the Galactic centre.
Smartt S.J., Dufton P.L., Lennon D.J.
1997A&A...326..780B – (Tables: J/A+A/326/780)
The age-mass relation for chromospherically active binaries. II. Lithium depletion in dwarf components.
Barrado y Navascues D., Fernandez-Figueroa M.J., Garcia Lopez R.J., De Castro E., Cornide M.
Simulations of cosmic ray cross field diffusion in highly perturbed magnetic fields.
Michalek G., Ostrowski M.
The formation of C-shocks: structure and signatures.
Smith M.D., Mac Low M.-M.
ROSAT spectro-imagery of the North Cygnus Loop.
Decourchelle A., Sauvageot J.L., Ballet J., Aschenbach B.
Diffuse Interstellar Bands in single clouds: new families and constraints on the carriers.
Cami J., Sonnentrucker P., Ehrenfreund P., Foing B.H.
Dust scattering and kinematics within the envelope of IRAS 09371+1212.
Phillips J.P., Cuesta L.
Granulation and magnetism in the solar atmosphere.
Baudin F., Molowny-Horas R., Koutchmy S.
Dynamics of the solar granulation. IV. Granular shear flow.
Nesis A., Hammer R., Hanslmeier A., Schleicher H., Sigwarth M., Staiger J.
The three-fluid structure of the particle modulated solar wind termination shock.
Chalov S.V., Fahr H.J.
NIII and NIV line emission following K-shell photoionization.
Petrini D., de Araujo F.X.
Temporal optimization of Lagrangian perturbation schemes.
Karakatsanis G., Buchert T., Melott A.L.
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